Thursday 2 April 2009

Abraham & The Stray Cats

Larraine and I have been busy training. On Monday Larraine went to the gym for an hour and a half. On Tuesday she went walking with Lesley Bennet from the Staines Community Centre, they walked seven miles and they plan to walk together again as much as they can. Today Larraine went to extended exercise and Pilates, which is excellent for toning and stretching muscles.

I went out training on Monday as well. My son James came to see me for a few days and decided to come for a walk with me. I found it very pleasing walking with my son, as I don't see him very often; he's normally at University in Southampton. We walked about six miles together. I think he enjoyed it as it was a trip down memory lane for both of us. Sentimental old git that I am, I probably made his ears sore from listening to me rabbiting on about the old days!

I had a day of rest on Tuesday, I just stayed in with my cat Abraham and we listened to our favourite music CDs. It’s strange, but Abraham has a very similar taste in music to me. He's very keen on an early 80's pop group called The Stray Cats!

Today, Wednesday, I set of for a ten-mile power walk, it took me a little while to get warmed up, but once I was warmed up I pushed myself very hard. I'm usually dressed in a heavy ex-army coat and a base ball cap. I often wonder what people think when they see me hurtling past them swinging my white cane. Perhaps they think I'm out water divining, or I'm out picking up litter with my cane for the local council - who knows! Anyway, I managed to do my ten miles in two hours eleven minutes, so I'm quite pleased with myself.

Best wishes
Clive x

1 comment:

  1. You seem to have built up quite a bit of speed there Clive - the training seems to be paying off! Keep up the good work. I thought it interesting that you know that your cat likes The Stray Cats. I'd love to know how you found this out. Anyway keep up the good work and the great blog!

    Head of Communications
